Untitled MUSE:
Tbilisi based fashion designer
How did you get into design?
Lela: I have dreamed of being a designer since childhood. After graduating from highschool I entered the Tbilisi Art Academy for Fashion Design. Five years later applied and won a scholarship to the Young Designer Competition which covered a three-month course at St Martin's College in London. When I returned back to Tbilisi I decided to create a brand called INFORMAL with a friend. Four years later in 2011 I founded my own new brand called ELOSHI.
In a parallel universe, what would your life be like? What would your art be like?
Lela: Without fears and anxieties, completely free. In a parallel universe my art would also be more productive. Otherwise I would not change anything else. I like what I do.
I love everything about art, every process related to creativity. I do not hate anything about being creative, but I think I am impractical and idealistic because I am an artist, and therefore am very sensitive.
Who is one of your earliest sources of inspiration?
Lela: I have liked Antonio Maras very much since my an early age.
Do you dream a lot? Does it influence your art? Do you have recurring dreams?
Lela: Yes and a lot of weird things. Many times I have dreamed of what I have subsequently come to be. I don't really have any recurring dreams.
What makes your pulse quicken? What makes you feel alive?
Lela: My creative work. When I get to my studio I immediately start fussing around and come alive without even knowing it.
What are the few things you love about being an artist/creative. Few things you despise about being an artist/creative.
Lela: I love everything about art, every process related to creativity. I do not hate anything about being creative, but I think I am impractical and idealistic because I am an artist, and therefore am very sensitive. Perhaps if I were a financier I would probably be more pragmatic and cold blooded haha.
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