Untitled MUSE:
Fashion & interior designer
How do you get in the zone?
Lisa: Lately I’ve been working on an interior design project, and I don’t think there’s a better way to get into the zone or capture a feeling than having the right music on. It’s one of the most specific mood-setting elements in an interior space, and it’s also invisible. I also like to do what I call “method design” which is where I dress as if I’m living in a certain space – it helps me clarify and solidify my ideas better. What would I want to do in that space and how would it feel?
In a parallel universe, what would your life be like? What would your art be like?
Lisa: In a parallel universe, I’d be working out of my garage, creating very large scale sculptures. I could think of this either as a “parallel universe” or as a future version of me. I just need a bigger garage.
I am often lost in thought on my morning walks and its one of my favorite parts of the day. Being in a trance-like state is where most of my good ideas mysteriously emerge from.
Who is one of your earliest sources of inspiration?
Lisa: My best friend growing up had an incredibly stylish mother. She had a black bob with bangs that was cut so precisely it looked like it could slice you. She always wore a colored pantsuit (this was peak ‘80’s pantsuit era) and had bowls and bowls of those Italian art glass faux candies all over the house.
What is your favorite time of day? Why?
Lisa: I love the early mornings, like 6am. I’m the first one awake, and most days I try to quietly sneak out of the house and go for a long hike in the foothills where I live. I love having the space to think about the subtext of my last dream before my kids are awake and yelling about Legos and just shatter the silence.
When do you often lose yourself in a daydream?
Lisa: Constantly. I am often lost in thought on my morning walks and its one of my favorite parts of the day. Being in a trance-like state is where most of my good ideas mysteriously emerge from.
What makes your pulse quicken? What makes you feel alive?
Lisa: My happiest place is at a big flea market. The bigger and more chaotic, the better. I love the chance element of it- just the idea that you might (literally) trip over a new inspiration is thrilling to me. Once when my now husband and I were first dating, I jumped out of a moving car and sprinted to a Dorothee Becker wall organizer I had to acquire, and scared him half to death in the process. When I’m at a flea market, I’m mentally on another planet.
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