Sophia: 1. First, say hi and acknowledge your inner child. Yes, they are still well alive. 2. Feed your inner child your favorite childhood snack, go crazy. Mine still remains hot cheetos. 3. Skip down the block instead of walk, any ole adult can just walk. 4. Watch a silly cartoon movie. 5. Scream at the top of your lungs then laugh uncontrollably 6. Eat dessert like your 7-year old self, go crazy. 7. Try and do a somersault 8. Take your inner child on a playdate outside 9. Introduce yourself as your inner child to a friend or loved one 10. Continue everyday ;)
Sophia: Celine Semaan, my partner in crime in our new climate news show All of the Above
Sophia: A snippet from my Dream Journal: Night of 11/19/18 I️ was flying to a different planet, seemed like one of Elon Musks planes/shuttles. The city was very futuristic looking with beautiful skyscrapers that mirrored each other. We had to fly back to New York and land in Times Square but there was so much traffic so the pilot made an emergency landing near what seemed like a school building.
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